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Date(s) - 08/03/2019
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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Under the High Patronage
of His Excellency Mr. Rami Adwan
Ambassador of Lebanon to France

Mr. Gaby Tamer

President of the Franco-Lebanese Chamber of Commerce

Please do him the honor of attending the conference debate

around Mr. Riad Obegi,
Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Obegi Group

on the subject

Obegi Mortgage Certificate: A banking innovation for growth

To the Economic, Social and Environmental Council
room 301, 9 place d´Iéna, 75775 Paris
Friday March 8, 2019 at 9:00 a.m.
(Café reception “Salle des Pas-perdus” from 8:30 am)

R.S.V.P. before 1 st March 2019
by returning the attached response form
Email: evenement@ccfrancolibanaise.fr

La conférence intégrale

Dr. Riad OBEGI

Doctor in Economics from Lyon Lumière University, his thesis was published under the title “Risk and Credit: The Mortgage Certificate, A Solution for Emerging Countries”, and it is currently in its second printing.

Dr. Riad OBEGI has over 35 years of experience in the banking industry.

Obégi Mortgage Certificate (CHO)

The CHO is a new banking instrument. In essence, it is a real estate security deposit with a bank. It is equivalent to a cash deposit with a maturity and remuneration. Like this, the risk is limited to the case of bankruptcy of the custodian bank. This security deposit allows the bank to borrow more easily on the interbank market and therefore to lend more easily.

CHO has many benefits for homeowners, banks and the government, and helps boost the economy. Its introduction could have major positive effects on developing countries.